winter prepared

Be Winter Prepared with Overhead Door™

Are your kids ready to have the first snowball fight of the season? Are you ready to bundle up? Is your home ready to withstand the colder temps? It may feel like a chore some days, but you know the sooner the better when it is time to be winter prepared. We have a few tips for you!


Prep Emergency Kits

While playing in the snow can be fun, getting stuck on the side of the road sure isn’t. Plus, with winter comes the chance for power outages. Be sure to have an emergency kit ready at home. Gather flashlights, batteries, water, non-perishable foods, and a battery-powered radio. Winter means some unpredictable roads, as you well know. Then, place an emergency kit in each of your vehicles. In addition to the first list, grab some extra clothes including boots and mittens and a small scoop shovel.


Winterize Your Home

If you think about holding heat indoors as a relief from the colder temps outside, you need to check on your insulation. Check your walls, attic, and garage door. Plus, you can add caulk and weather stripping around doors and windows throughout your entire home and garage to help out, too. Don’t forget about any pipes that could potentially freeze and burst. You will want to wrap those well with insulated covers before the below freezing temps settle.


Organize Your Stuff

Now are you ready for a snowball fight? You might want to make sure you have dug out your family’s boots, hats, gloves, snow pants, and winter coats. While that is the obvious start, you should also make room up front in your garage for a handy scoop shovel, ice melt, scrapers, leaf blower, and snow blower. Whatever you have that helps you clear the path on those snow-covered mornings. Finally, if you have any snow tires for your vehicle stashed away, pull those down off the shelf. They provide much better traction on those slick and snowy roads.


If you run into any issues with your garage door or need any upgrades, like a battery back up system, stop by at Overhead Door of Western Kentucky™. It is time to be winter prepared.

(270) 554-5162