Garage Door Wind Resistance

Garage Door Wind Resistance

We imagine most of you have found yourselves walking into the wind before. You’ve maybe even tried to stand in place while the wind blows. Think about how you exert strength to withstand the force. How is it that more things aren’t blowing away when the mighty gusts hit? Luckily most of our major structures are built to stand strong and withstand the elements, including garage doors. This week we have put together a summary of what you need to know about garage door wind resistance.

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Torsion Springs

Torsion Springs Explained

Have you ever thought about how heavy a garage door really is? Think about how you can open and close it without much effort. You can thank the torsion springs. While they are one of the most important working parts of your garage door system, they can also be one of the most dangerous. Garage door springs need regular maintenance to stay functional and safe. We’ve got you covered on things to be watching for with torsion springs.

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Fall Garage Prep

Fall garage prep is all about preparing your home for winter. As the temperature drops, there are many jobs you will not want undertake in the cold. At the Overhead Door Company of Western Kentucky™, we want you to be prepared for winter. Read more

Yearly Garage Door Maintenance

Yearly garage door maintenance can be as simple as opening your garage door. You need to keep your garage door in good shape, just like any other machine, and maintenance is what your door needs. Read more